Monday, September 29, 2014

I'm spunky

I like my beats funky. I'm spunky. I like my oatmeal lumpy. Where are my Digital Underground fans? This raglan from Lookie Loo Loo is for you and so rad.


Erica is a mama to two little boys (Lennon, 2, and Theo, 1) and the driving force behind Lookie Loo Loo. She offers everything from hand screen printed shirts to leggings and skirts. Her designs are also fun and unisex, which I appreciate since my kiddos share so many clothes :)


In addition to the clothing, Erica also sent these fab shades. So genius! Both kids have had so much fun playing with these shades from Lookie Loo Loo and I have equally enjoyed these awesome tees.

Erica has also mastered the art of sewing (something on my bucket list) and makes organic leggings and skirts in the best prints. These stars were a huge hit with pumpkin and she was happily singing while she wore her twinkle twinkle pants.


Erica was so kind to answer a few questions about the in and outs of Lookie Loo Loo, and make sure you read to the end because there is a discount as well.

Why did you decide to start your business?

Prior to Lookie Loo Loo, I worked as a marketing director for 10 plus years. My experiences have run the gamut from promotions in the number one radio station in Chicago, to a family recruiter for a foster care agency in Arizona and the first Community Manager for Memphis Yelp. After baby #2, I left the work place because there just wasn't enough time in the day! I fell in love with Etsy as a single female but once I had kids, Etsy became this brand new outlet for me. I spent hours on the site finding items to decorate both boys' nurseries. My husband kept pushing me to open my own shop, and when I opened in February, I was doing cardstock banners. I then took one sewing class and used Youtube to learn the rest. As a mama to two boys, I can never find anything stylish and fabulous for them to wear. I was so tired of cars, boats and sports themes. Once I got my sewing down with leggings and skirts, I jumped on the screen printing train, thanks to some pushing and help from a wonderful friend who also owns a shop. I hand screen print everything you see in the shop right in my kitchen. It's mass chaos, and always a fight for organization, but it works!

How did you come up with your brand name?

When I discovered Etsy, I spent hours favoriting pages upon pages of purses, jewelry, hats, shoes. I've never liked having what everyone else does, so Etsy was like heaven for me. When it came time to come up with a name, I was taken back to when I first discovered this gem. The term “looky-loo” came to mind, as I was constantly drooling over items I couldn't purchase because I wasn't a millionaire. I changed up the spelling and added a ‘loo’ and Lookie Loo Loo was born.

Any advice or lessoned learned from your experience so far?

The best advice I can give is quit comparing yourself to everyone else! I was recently given the advice from a bigger shop, "don't hate your beginning." It rang so true for me. I feel like I am constantly pushing myself to be better and bigger, when in reality, I'm not stopping myself to enjoy it all and take it in. Lookie Loo Loo has only been open for 7 months and is already exceeding my wildest expectations. As a parent, you always hear that you should enjoy every moment because it goes by so fast. These small businesses are in a way, our babies. One day in the not so distant future, you're going to look back on this beginning stage and laugh. You're also going to wonder why you took yourself so seriously. I'm currently struggling with all of that.

What are some of your goals for the year? come out alive? HA! I kid. I have a very rough business plan laid out for myself that I made when I first started. I've already exceeded most of the goals I had planned for my first year, and some that weren't even on the radar. Ultimately, I want to be able to carry myself on my own .com. I purchased my domain name in the beginning of all of this, and I'm waiting for when I feel I can drive enough of my own traffic to my site and not need to depend on Etsy for extra traffic. And, as always, an ongoing goal would be to learn a work/life balance. When you own your own business, the lines get blurred way too easily. I could, and have, spend all day marketing and utilizing social media outlets to push LLL.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I don't know if you'd call it a superpower, but I would love a remote control for life. You know, so I could hit pause and catch up!

What’s something about you most people don’t know?

I have a rather large collection of vintage tin lunchboxes and toys that reside in our sunroom. Maybe it’s the kid in me, but I cannot bare to part with them.

Make sure you check out Lookie Loo Loo and as an added bonus, use the code FREESHIPLLL5 for free shipping!

Haha, most of the time she's happy, but when I can catch this glare. I mean really. It kills me every time.

Oh and if you're looking for that perfect holiday shirt, she's got it. Seriously, I am dying.

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