Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ahoy Amigo!

Have you ever wondered how to greet a Spanish pirate? Ahoy Amigo of course! I recently stumbled upon this new brand and it is awesome. I just love how many small labels there are out there created by moms and dads with love in the wee hours of the night while there littles are sleeping. Ahoy Amigo is no exception, and Stacie, the mama running the show behind the scenes definitely qualifies for super mom status. Based in Kentucky, Stacie has 2 littles of her own and still manages to run her house and pump out awesome products. All of her shirts are designed and printed by her own hands. And can we stop and say something for a minute about the packaging. I mean. Swoon. I love the personal touch of the handwritten note, and my kiddos LOVED the temporary tattoos (always awesome, but even more appropriate with the pirate theme!!).


Both tees were very soft, and per the instructions, after washing inside out on cool, the handprinted ink also softened right up and was ready to wear.


I love this legend tee, perfectly unisex and such a great saying.


Love. Also, they are running a special until Thursday, use code HELLO20 to get 20% off :) and now a little behind the scenes:

What made you decide to start your business?
There was a complete lack of cute tees for my four year old daughter without disney characters on them. I used to buy her boys graphic tees and would get so many compliments on them! Screenprinting was a challenge I set out for myself to attempt and I fell in love with the process!

How did your brand name come about?
My best friend actually helped me name Ahoy Amigo. I was looking for something combining two languages (pirate is SO a language!) to showcase we are all the same on the inside where it matters.

Any advice or lessoned learned from your experience so far?
Challenge yourself. I shy away from people typically, but when you are trying to start a business from the ground up, you have to throw yourself to the wolves so to speak. Don’t compare yourself to others. Especially on social media: I am soooo guilty of this!! It’s tough not to, especially starting out and you see other companies making all kinds of sales and what not, but you have to remember everyone grows at different paces and if you have a great product that you believe in, others will too.

What are some of your goals for the year?
To get the name Ahoy Amigo out! Since I started in late summer my goal is just to gain followers and get the name out there so this time next year everyone from coast to coast will be wearing Ahoy Amigo. I can’t wait for Ahoy Amigo to be in stores around the country and that is definitely a long term goal!

What does an average day look like for you?
I have two littles (4 and 2) so my days are never the same. Typically my hubs leaves for work around 6:30am and either one or both kids will climb into bed with me. We watch disney channel until they are hungry (doesn't take long!). We play play play until lunch and nap time when I finally sneak off to the basement to my craft dungeon er ... craft room, and I try to get as much done in an hour as I can, but most times, it’s spent on the computer. Then we mess the house up some more until daddy comes home when we (I) run around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to clean up! Sometimes I do laundry. And dishes. We have a pool so a lot of days are spent lounging around there but it also gets really muggy in KY and too hot to be outside so we spend a lot of days inside. Then daddy comes home and plays with the kids while I make dinner we try to go on a walk around the neighborhood if it’s not too hot (it’s usually too hot per the hubs haha). Then the kids are off to bed early (bedtime is 730-8 and we are strict) and I am off to the dungeon again to make all the things!! whew.  That was long!!

If you had a theme song what would it be?
“Best day of my life” by American Authors. Mostly because I heart them wayyyy too much for a 28 yr old :) but also because I try to follow this motto. You only get one chance, why blow it doing something you don’t love?

What's something unique about you that most people don’t know?
Ah! You’re killin me smalls!!! These are the hardest questions! I’m an open book, pretty much what you see is what you get, but I can still throw a back handspring to this day, and I don’t work out. ever. And I’ve sadly never seen Grease.  Pop culture has pretty much summed it up for me and I never felt the desire to watch it!!

I'm going to say it's safe to say he is a fan of Saturday morning donut dates with daddy.

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