Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bunny Love

I love summer, but after all this heat I am so ready for Fall to get here. I love light layers and when the leaves change. This Penny Dress from Ryder & Rhenn is to die for and making me even more excited for the seasons to change! 

The attention to detail is amazing and I am in love with the buttons and front pleats! Pumpkin loves anything animal related and this was no exception as she hopped everywhere since she was obviously a bunny :)

My favorite fall staple are definitely these 3/4 raglans. Perfect for our not all that cool weather (Houston doesn't really start cooling down until mid October unfortunately). 

This "Best Life Ever" raglan will definitely be a fall staple over here. It is so soft, and I love how its just a little warmer, but not hot. I especially love the pop of color with the sun. 

Bub approved, his life is made better every day when treats are involved :)

This brand is also momma driven, and Nic is just darling. I loved getting a little look into her life, and growing up on a farm in Idaho (I raised 2 pigs) love that she has a little farm of her own! I would love to have chickens, though I'm quite certain my husband and city would both disapprove :(. Here is a little more about Ryder & Rhenn:

Why did you decide to start your business?

In one word, Ryder. I have worked in Labor and delivery for over ten years and loved it, couldn't imagine anything more wonderful....and then Ryder was born. After the standard maternity leave, I took on the painful hurdle as a mother of going back to work, leaving baby for the first time, the tearful car ride, and the unrealistic fear that my baby just couldn't survive with me. It was awful! The thing I enjoyed most just couldn't compete with my little baby. I worked full time for a year and even though everyone said that it would, it just never got any easier. I was desperate for a creative outlet that I could "work from home" and build. Now Ryder is my best co-worker! The ladies at our local Post Office get mad at me when I come and don't bring him with, it's pretty spectacular!

What inspired your brand name?

Ryder & Rhenn were our baby names when I was pregnant with Ryder! We didn't find out the gender of our little guy so we had one each picked out and I had to use both in the company name.  I guess there is no going back now if we ever are lucky enough to have a little girl!

Any advice or lessoned learned from your experience?

Oh my gosh, you don't have enough time! I've made every mistake in the book and I'm not done yet! I'm just now (barely) getting confidence to just make what I believe in, and not be so worried about if people will like it, hate it, or think I'm crazy. There is so much fear and excitement when I put something new out, it's unreal. There have been many things that I haven't yet gotten the courage to put out just because I'm so worried everyone will hate it. I've also made the mistake of listing way more inventory than my real life can handle and having really long ship times :( That one I'm the least proud of, and am working the most on!

What are some of your goals for the year?

Expanding the brand for sure. You will see an expansion of clothing options and designs and we will be putting extra effort into our Adventure Blankets as well. We have some really great designs on the cusp of coming out for F/W 14' and are already starting some Spring 15'  brainstorming (That's another thing I've learned is this business has you thinking 6 months in advance all the time!). Our biggest goal for this year though is to grow our family, so you might see my baby fever translating into some great tiny baby products!
If you could have any superpower what would it be?

Oh goodness is there a super power that allows you to actually get everything done in a day?! My son would love it if I could fly though so let's go with that!

What's something about you that most people don’t know?

I kind of live on a small farm! We have 2 Pig's, 6 chickens, and goats on the way. I grew up as a major city girl in Southern California so this fun farm life is hard for a lot of my oldest friends to believe, when they call me up and we are canning or collecting eggs they just laugh!

I just love these pieces, and I too wish I could have a super power to get everything done in a day! Wouldn't we all :) Also, Nic has offered a special discount, for the next 48 hours use code: PUMPKINLOVE for 15% off of your entire purchase!! Hurry, and grab these and more sweet clothes for your littles (including some pretty sweet mixed tape leggings ... we might need) over at  Ryder & Rhenn now!!

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