Monday, June 16, 2014


One amazing part of having kiddos so close in age is after the first year or so, they can share clothes! I for one love a deal (I am an engineer after all) and being able to guarantee multiple kiddos will wear clothing before it has a chance to go out of style, or I lose interest (which happens a lot you know) is awesome. It also helps me justify extra lol, because they "need" more clothes.

Case in point; the kiddos got some amazing tees in the mail from VDGN KD so of course we had to take a few pictures :).

This bear star gazer shirt is my favorite :) it is so soft and Pumpkin calls it her bear shirt. It got put in the Bub's drawer but she made sure it was put back in hers haha. Also amazing is the 8-bit bug shirt they sent for my little Bub. This one is extra special since I call my kiddos Bug also :)

On another note, can I please have my daughters hair? It is getting so long and light these days!

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