Sunday, January 4, 2015

Baby it's cold outside

It's been so cold lately, which means being stuck inside ... a lot. It's hard to keep 2 littles happy with few outlets so we have been reading lots of books and eating lots of suckers. They're only little once right? 

Happy 2015!

I can hardly believe another year has come and gone. As I sit down to make resolutions for this coming year, I can't help but be grateful and remember all the fun I had over the past year with my crazy little family. This year I have big plans, including sleeping in past 8 am (lol, I wish). I am so blessed and am excited for what adventures will come in 2015. My resolutions, in no particular order:

** Unplug. From my phone, the internet and television. I want to be 100% present when my kids are awake and that just isn't realistic if I have my phone / internet etc. I also want to limit the amount of screen time for the kiddos as well. Not that they watch a ton, but I hope we can keep it to less than 1 hour a day. Seems reasonable. 

** Be patient. Try not to overact when messes are made, things are broken and babies throw fits. All of these things are going to continue to happen, and I need to be the adult and not get so frustrated. If that means the house is a little messy, ok. Just don't yell about it. It's not going to help anyway.

** Play more. Let them be little. Get down on the ground and play with both kiddos everyday. Work with Pumpkin on her letters and help Bub learn his colors. Read more. Go on walks.